Last modified 2017-09-25 00:25:11 CDT
LC7981/HD61830 LCD Driver
I’ve found the time to post this LC7981/HD61830 driver (only graphics mode implemented) and some images of this Samsung LCD I’m using. I bought the LCD off of ebay.
For now, here are the specs: an EL backlit 160×80 monochrome graphics LCD that supports text and graphics mode (I just coded for graphics mode and found a font/character pixel set online), controlled by an ATMega32. The LCD is driven by an LC7981/HD61830 controller (easy parallel interface).
Pictures (no, I’m not running linux, the linux penguin just happened to be a convenient pixmap to demonstrate):
Here is a quick overview of the connections LCD pins:
1 | Gnd |
2 | Vcc |
3 | to LCD 17 |
4 | Control Signal (RS) |
5 | Control Signal (RW) |
6 | Control Signal (E) |
7 to 14 | LCD’s data pins DB0-DB7, connected to AVR’s PORTA |
15 | Gnd (CS) |
16 | Vcc (Reset) |
17 | to LCD 3 |
18 | NC |
19 | to backlight inverter out |
20 | Gnd |
The free source, currently coded for the ATMega32 but can be easily adapted to other uCs: avr-lc7981-be91938.tar.gz.